TLAPD: Muro and Creative Pirate Forum Winners

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tinycasket's avatar


Hi everyone,

Yesterday for Talk Like a Pirate Day I posted two forum events for everyone to participate in the day's festivities. The two forums I posted were: Pirate Themed Muro Draw and Creative Pirate Stories. Now it is time to announce the winners from those of you who participated in my two events! :eager:

Creative Pirate Stories

For the Creative Pirate Stories, deviants were challenged with the task of creating a Pirate themed creative story that was no longer than 150 words. The winner would receive one 3 Month Premium Membership or 636 Points!

Congratulations, rockstar1009!


Bartholomew lost himself in her hesitant eyes and caressed her soft, olive cheeks with his sea-weathered hand. He'd set out with a map, but found himself a treasure not marked by any X: a sweet young island girl, unlike any he knew back in England. He stole a kiss before gazing at the vast, open sea astern. “My love,” he began, “the world is my oyster, and you are its pearl.” He opened his arms to the deep blue waves, “all of this is yours now. Where shall we venture first?” She remained silent and distant. “You can have anything you want now. What'll it be?”
Indeed, he was right. Here was a ship. A crew which had taken quite a liking to her. And he had the map. What else could a girl ask for? She pulled her flintlock out of her belt, and stuck it under his nose.

Honorable Mentions

:icondoubledande: :iconsakuraforest:

Pirate Themed Muro Draw

For the Pirate Themed Muro Draw, deviants were challenged with the task of drawing a Pirate using Muro. The winner would receive one 3 Month Premium Membership or 636 Points!

Congratulations, JawRipper!

Honorable Mentions

:iconsakuraforest: :iconpaintpaintalltheday: :iconastralseed: :iconrezabisuto: :iconget---out:

Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday and participated in all the Talk like a Pirate Day events! I know for me personally it was really fun to hang out with everyone! :heart:



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DoubleDandE's avatar
Nice, congrats.